SRCOM | Remarkable Ideas


June 14, 2017


In June 1987, 30 years ago, we were celebrating the inauguration of our first headquarters. Today, many challenges and achievements later, we are celebrating our first participation in Cannes.

As you can see, June is a busy month here, especially for Flavio Machado, recently named C.E.O and about to represent SRCOM at the world’s biggest international creativity festival.

So, the context is: the company’s 30th  anniversary, the first time on the Cannes Lions’ stage and possibly the first Lion! Flavio, tell us more about it!

“At the age of 40 and a member of an agency that celebrates 30 years this year, I have never given value to awards. Unlike perhaps traditional advertising, our clients have never required any prizes to hire us. They certainly prefer the reputation and satisfaction of a job well done. Cannes Lions seems to be different from other awards, as it has a renowned jury of people from all over the world who pass on great credibility, not to mention that they have opened the Festival for several other categories, making it a real festival that values ​​creativity in many areas. I have no idea what to expect. I’m going for the opportunity to speak with Daniela Thomas and Vik Muniz to tell people  a bit about our journey at the Rio 2016 Games ceremonies and why they touched people’s hearts. It was such an adventure that  it must be shared! But from the Festival I do not even know what the dynamics are like. I will be like a virgin discovering Cannes Lions, starting with our keynote on the 18th at 11am at the Lumière Theater. And about coming home with a little lion, who know? It would not be bad at all … ”

To stay inside the adventures of Flavio in Cannes, follow the column “A virgin in Cannes” on the site of the Meio e Mensagem website.

To the next 30!